2020 Winter School Final Presentations Mini Conference Program
The Final Presentations of the 2020 Winter School in Latin Paleography and Codicology will presented as a mini conference at the Notre Dame Rome Global Gateway (Via Ostilia, 15). All sessions are free and open to the public.
2020 Winter School in Latin Paleography & Codicology Final Presentations
17 January 2020
Notre Dame Rome Global Gateway Via Ostilia, 15 Roma
Opening remarks 8:45-8:55am
Session I Legal Manuscripts and Jurists 9:00-9:50am
‘Political imaginaries in BAV, Urb. lat. 172’. Julia Costa-Lopez, University of Groningen
‘A fragmentary text of Baldus de Ubaldis, a fourteenth-century jurist’. Daniel Jacobs, Harvard University
Session II Bibles and Biblical Texts 9:50-10:40am
‘Unveiling a Glossed Bible: Reading (and Adding to) the Apocalypse of John in BAV, Ross. 616’. Paul Wheatley, University of Notre Dame
‘Magistri historiarum: Collating Biblical History in Borgh. 62’. Stijn Praet, Ghent University
Session III Liturgical Manuscripts 10:40-11:50am
‘Discovering England at the Vatican Library. BAV, Pal. lat. 501-liturgy and localization’. Eleonora Celora, University of Notre Dame
‘Que scribat pluribus annis: A Dated Bible Missal (BAV, Ott. lat. 532) and the Development of the Dominican Liturgy’. Innocent Smith, OP, Universität Regensburg
‘A Book of Hours for Use of ‘??’: Localizing a Dating a Personal Prayerbook’. Emily Shartrand, University of Delaware
Session IV Medieval Texts and Glossing 11:50am-1pm
‘The Ovidius moralizatus in Vat. lat. 6302: Author, text and glosses’. Pablo Piqueras-Yaguë, Universidad de Murcia
‘Written fortifications: Commentary and composition in an early copy of the Anticlaudianus’. Dinah Wouters, Ghent University
‘So thei that knowes nought latyne by the englyssh may come to mony latyne wordes: manuscript layout and language learning in Richard Rolle's English Psalter’. Abigail Adams, University of Texas at Austin
Lunch on your own 1–2:15pm
Session V Classical Reception 2:30-3:40pm
‘Commentary on the Iliad and its Latin adaptations.’ Melody Wauke, University of Notre Dame
‘Scribal Correction in a Twelfth Century Manuscript of Statius’ Thebaid’. Cana Short, University of Notre Dame
‘Between Quires: Prudentius’ Psychomachia in BAV, Reg. Lat. 2120’. Hannah Van Syckel, University of Notre Dame
Session VI Compilationes 3:40-4:30pm
‘Three Crusades, Two Journeys, and One Patriarchate. Mapping the Principles of Compilation and the Provenance of BAV, Reg. lat. 690’. Klazina Staat, Ghent University
‘Letters and Letter Collections: What are they good for?’. Catherine Healy, University of East Anglia
Closing remarks 4:30-4:45pm