Photo by Barbara Johnston / University of Notre Dame
The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
2010 Ph.D., Greek and Latin
dissertation: "A critical edition and study of Arnulf of Orléans' philological commentary to Ovid's Metamorphoses." Advisor: Frank T. Coulson.
2005 M.A., Greek and Latin
2003 B.A., Greek and Latin, cum laude with distinction in Classics.
senior thesis: "Imagery, change, and divine control in Iliad 24.527-33." Advisor: Sarah Iles Johnston.
Since 2010 I have been Curator of Ancient and Medieval Manuscripts in the Hesburgh Library at the University of Notre Dame. There, I develop and curate the collection of over 300 medieval manuscripts as well as the smaller collection of Greek and Byzantine manuscripts. My first monograph, A Descriptive Catalogue of the Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts of the University of Notre Dame and Saint Mary's College (University of Notre Dame Press, 2016), makes accessible of the first time the medieval manuscripts of both institutions. The catalogue uses the flexible schematic I developed for analytical manuscript description to emphasize the important aspects of each manuscript, distinguish the uncommon features, and interpret them.
In addition to my curatorial duties, I am also concurrent professor in Notre Dame's Medieval Institute and the Department of Classics. I teach courses in Latin Paleography, Western Codicology, Medieval Latin, and Greek Paleography for graduate students and advanced undergraduates, and advise students on a variety of topics.
In 2017, I became the first director of Notre Dame’s Winter School in Latin Paleography and Codicology held at the American Academy in Rome (2018) and University of Notre Dame's Rome Global Gateway (2020) in collaboration with the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana. A select group of participants studies with me in Rome, Italy and Vatican City during a two-week intensive course on pre-Gothic and Gothic scripts and manuscripts (c. 1150-1500). The Winter School meets every two years.