
signature courses


photo: Matt Cashore / University of Notre Dame

Latin Paleography

An intensive survey of Latin scripts from Antiquity through the Middle Ages. Students learn to read and transcribe Latin scripts, expand abbreviations, identify and date different hands, and defend their interpretations. There is a strong emphasis on the varieties of Gothic scripts (e.g., textualis, cursiva, hybrida, etc). Students work extensively with medieval manuscripts in the collections of the Hesburgh Library.

A two-week intensive version focusing on Gothic Script is also taught as the Winter School of Latin Paleography and Codicology biannually at Notre Dame’s Rome Global Gateway in Rome, Italy and at the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vatican City.

Greek Paleography

An introduction to Greek paleography. The course provides an overview of majuscule and minuscule scripts used in papyri, manuscript books, and early imprints. Students develop the skills necessary to read, transcribe, and contextualize Greek manuscripts. Areas include: letter forms, abbreviations, ligatures, dating, localization, formal vs. informal hands, scriptoria, and individual scribes. Emphasis is placed on manuscripts and scripts from Late Antiquity through the Byzantine period and Italian Renaissance. Students work with Notre Dame's small but illustrative collection of papyri, Byzantine manuscripts, and Greek imprints.

photo: Matt Cashore / University of Notre Dame

photo: Matt Cashore / University of Notre Dame

photo: Barbara Johnston / University of Notre Dame

Western Codicology

Training in forensic approaches to the medieval manuscript as a physical artifact. Students learn to collect and interpret codicological data (e.g., collation, layout, decoration, bindings). These skills culminate in the ability to generate analytical manuscript descriptions and to integrate them into a larger research program. Specific treatment is given to problematic genres of manuscripts such as Bibles, liturgical manuscripts, and books of hours. Students work extensively with medieval manuscripts in the collections of the Hesburgh Library.

Medieval Latin

A reading course covering Latin literature of the late antique and medieval periods. The primary objective is to introduce students to the distinctive characteristics of post-classical Latin texts, particularly morphology, syntax, vocabulary, orthography, pronunciation, and genre. Reading, sight reading, comprehension, translation, and grammar are emphasized. Material culture (manuscripts, inscriptions, numismatics)  is integrated to engage cultural dialogue and enhance sight-reading skills.

photo: Matt Cashore / University of Notre Dame

photo: Matt Cashore / University of Notre Dame

Courses Taught

University of Notre Dame, Medieval Institute and Department of Classics

Medieval Latin                                   Summer 2014, Summer 2017, Summer 2018, Summer 2019, Summer 2020

Latin Paleography                              Spring 2013, Spring 2014, Spring 2017,  Spring 2018, Spring 2019, Spring 2020, Spring 2021, Spring 2022, Spring 2023,
Spring 2024

Western Codicology                         Fall 2017, Fall 2019, Fall 2021, Fall 2023

Greek Paleogarphy                            Fall 2018, Fall 2020, Fall 2022

Graduate Tutorial
Claudian, De raptu Proserpinae Spring 2024

Women’s Hagiography Fall 2022

Late Medieval Latin Prose. Fall 2020

Nauigatio sancti Brendani Fall 2018

Bede Fall 2018, Summer 2021, Fall 2023

Ovid, Metamorphoses, Books 1-5     Fall 2017

Western Codicology Tutorial            Fall 2011, Fall 2012, Spring 2015, Fall 2016

Northern Manuscript Studies            Fall 2016 (co-taught with CJ Jones)

Venantius Fortunatus                          Fall 2015

Individualized Ancient Greek I          Spring 2015

Roman Poetry                                     Summer 2013

The Bible and Liturgy                       Spring 2017 (co-taught with T. O'Malley)

Beginning Latin II                               Fall 2015

Moreau First Year Experience           Fall 2015

The Ohio State University, Department of Greek and Latin

Elementary Latin I                               Winter 2005, Spring 2009

Elementary Latin II                              Spring 2005, Autumn 2006, Autumn 2007, Winter 2010

Intermediate Latin I                             Autumn 2005, Winter 2007, Winter 2008, Spring 2010

Intermediate Latin II                            Winter 2006, Spring 2007, Spring 2008, Summer 2009

Cicero                                                  Autumn 2009

Teaching Assistant
Classical Mythology (Head TA)        Summer 2007, Winter 2009          

Greek Literature in Translation         Winter 2004, Autumn 2008 

Classical Mythology                           Autumn 2003, Winter 2004,  Spring 2004, Autumn 2004, Spring 2006 

invited seminars and workshops

March 13, 2024
w/ S.J. Gwara. Forensic and Digital Approaches to Fragmentology (Medieval Academy of America Annual Meeting)

January 8-19, 2024
Winter School in Latin Paleography and Codicology (University of Notre Dame Rome Global Gateway / Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana)

January 7-18, 2020
Winter School in Latin Paleography and Codicology (University of Notre Dame Rome Global Gateway / Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana)

January 8-19, 2018
Winter School in Latin Paleography and Codicology (American Academy in Rome / Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana)

November 14, 2016
Analyzing Medieval Manuscripts: A Practical Workshop in Codicology (Archives and Special Collections, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN).

April 13-14, 2015
Understanding the Medieval Book Seminar 5 (Thomas Cooper Library, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC): a two-day intensive seminar on different aspects of the medieval manuscript book. 

February 3, 2012
The Ovidian Accessus and Commentary Tradition in the Twelfth Century (Center for Renaissance Studies, Newberry Library, Chicago, IL).