Medieval Metamorphoses: A Workshop on Ovid and Medieval Commentary Culture.
20-22 March 2019 at the Svenska Institutet I Rom:
Wednesday 20 March
14:00: Opening remarks
Session 1: 14:00-16:00
Frank T. Coulson, “Cataloguing the Manuscripts of Latin Commentaries on theMetamorphoses: Problems and Pespectives”
Robin Böckerman, “The Metamorphoses and the Twelfth Century”
David T. Gura, “The Auctor iste Commentator and Ovid's Metamorphoses”
Session 2: 16:30-18:30
Marek Thue Kretschmer, “Explanations of the Theban Narrative in the Ovide moralisé and the Ovidius moralizatus”
Pablo Piqueras Yagüe, “The Order of the Fables in the Ovidius moralizatus”
Irene Salvo Garcia, “Commentary Tradition and Cultural Heritage: the Classical Past in Vernacular Languages”
Thursday 21 March
Session 3: 10:00-12:00
Margareta Fredborg, “Ovidian Quotations in Twelfth-Century Horatian Commentaries”
Lisa Ciccone, “Reading the auctores to Become a Poet: the Role of Fourteenth-Century Commentaries on Ovid’s Metamorphoses and Horace’s Ars poetica”
William Little, “What Commentaries on the Epistula Sapphus Tell Us About Humanist Attitudes Toward Ovid and Sappho
Session 4: 14:00-16:00
Eric Cullhed, “Beauty in Homeric Exegesis”
Pádraic Moran, “Glossing Ovid in Ninth-Century Irish and Welsh Manuscripts”
Marjorie Curry Woods, “Owning Earlier Literatures”
16:30-18:00: Panel discussion 1: Research update
Friday 22 March
10:00-11:00: Text seminar 1: “Quidam philosophi fuerunt: Ovid and Philosophical Explanations in the Commentaries”
11:00-12:00: Panel discussion 2: Editorial challenges: a micro workshop LUNCH
13:00-14:00: Text seminar 2: Marjorie Curry Woods, “Evidence of performance in the Medieval Classroom: A Discussion of ‘Boys Performing Girls (and Men)’”
14:00-15:00: Panel discussion 3: Strategies for the future 15:00 Concluding remarks
Robin Wahlsten Böckerman, Stockholm University/University of Southern Denmark
Lisa Ciccone, University of Zurich
Frank T. Coulson, The Ohio State Unversity
Eric Cullhed, Uppsala University
Margareta Fredborg, Copenhagen
Irene Salvo Garcia, University of Southern Denmark
David T. Gura, University of Notre Dame
Marek Thue Kretschmer, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
William Little, The Ohio State University
Pádraic Moran, National University of Ireland, Galway
Marjorie Curry Woods, The University of Texas at Austin
Pablo Piqueras Yagüe, Universidad de Murcia
Organiser: Robin Wahlsten Böckerman, Stockholm University/University of Southern Denmark For more information contact the organiser at rwb [at] su [dot] se.
Sessions 1-4 are open to the public. If you are interested in attending, please notify the organiser": rwb [at] su [dot] se.