Winter School Opening Lecture @ The American Academy in Rome 01.07.2020

American Academy in Rome
Tuesday, 7 January 2020, 6:00pm

David T. Gura will give the opening lecture for the University of Notre Dame Winter School in Latin Paleography and Codicology, which will be held at the Notre Dame Rome Global Gateway campus from 7–17 January 2020. In collaboration with the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV), the course introduces participants to various aspects of Latin Paleography and Western Codicology, offering a balance of theoretical and practical applications. Gura's lecture will address the medieval reception of Ovid's Metamorphoses and its manuscript context. 

David T. Gura is curator of Ancient and Medieval Manuscripts in the Hesburgh Library at the University of Notre Dame and associate professor of paleography in Notre Dame's Medieval Institute.

The lecture will be held in English. You can watch it  livestreamed at

Please note: valid photo ID is required for entry into the American Academy in Rome. Backpacks and luggage with dimensions larger than cm 40 x 35 x 15 (inches 16 x 14 x 6) are not permitted on the property. There are no locker facilities available.


2020 Winter School in Latin Paleography & Codicology

2020 Winter School in Latin Paleography & Codicology

Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame, Hesburgh Library, Ferrell MS 2.

Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame, Hesburgh Library, Ferrell MS 2.

With the kind collaboration of the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV), the University of Notre Dame offers its Winter School in Latin Paleography and Codicology at its Rome Global Gateway. This two-week intensive course will introduce participants to various aspects of Latin Paleography and Western Codicology, offering a balance of theoretical and practical applications.

Participants will develop mastery of abbreviation systems, the ability to identify, classify, localize, and date western book hands (ca. 1100-1500), and an understanding of the historical development and influence of Latin scripts. Western codicological principles and an introduction to analytical manuscript description will enable participants to interpret the manuscript as a complete object by utilizing physical properties such as collation, ruling patterns, and decoration in parallel with the script.

A special feature of the course will be extensive visits to the Vatican Library, which provide the opportunity for participants to apply the skills and techniques from the seminars with medieval manuscripts in situ. Discussion sections will offer a chance for students to share their experiences in a group setting and discuss various problems and difficulties. The course will culminate in a final presentation in which students present the fruits of their research and field questions from the audience. Two evening lectures by specialists will provide in-depth supplementary content to particular aspects of the seminars.

2020 Dates

7–17 January 2020, Rome, Italy / Città del Vaticano.

2020 Application Deadline EXTENDED

The extended deadline is 23 September 2019


Dr. David T. Gura, curator of Ancient of Medieval Manuscripts and concurrent associate  professor of paleography, will teach the course and supervise manuscript research.


Applications from graduate and postgraduate students, and early career faculty in Classics, Patristics, and all areas of Medieval Studies are welcome. Prior and advanced knowledge of Latin is essential. The course will be conducted in English.

Program Costs

The program fee is $1,000 (USD), which includes tuition, course materials, a welcome reception, fives lunches at the ND Gateway sessions, and two dinners.


Participants will secure their own lodging in Rome during the Winter School. A list of participants and contact info will be shared, in the case that participants may rent accommodations together to defray the cost (e.g., Airbnb, etc.).

Application Materials

Applicants should submit a CV and letter of application (be sure to specify Latin language experience, research topic, and the need for training in paleography and codicology), and the contact information for one letter of recommendation using the following link:

Payment (Deadline Extended)

Payment instructions will be sent upon confirmation of acceptance. Extended Deadline for tuition payments is now October 21, 2019.

All questions may be directed to: Dr. David T. Gura, Curator, Ancient and Medieval Manuscripts, University of Notre Dame ( 

Latin Paleography Spring 2019

Latin Paleography is now scheduled for Spring Semester 2019!

The course is available through the Medieval Institute and cross-listed with Department of Classics. It will be of great interested to graduate students and advanced undergraduates interested in all facets of Medieval Studies, Classics and Classical Reception, and Early Christian Studies. 

Course Description: The course is an intensive survey of Latin scripts from antiquity through the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Students will be able to accurately read and transcribe Latin scripts, expand systems of abbreviation, identify, date, and localize (when possible) different hands, and defend their interpretations. There will be a strong emphasis on the different varieties of Gothic script (textualis, cursiva, hybrida, etc.). Once the class reaches the twelfth century, students will work extensively with Notre Dame¹s medieval collection of over 300 manuscripts and fragments. Aspects of practical applications and textual criticism will be addressed at the end of the course.  Proficiency in Latin is required.